Who we are
AGILESTORAGE is a Silicon Valley-based workload agnostic storage company
We have built the first real storage hypervisor platform, similar to how Vmware built compute hypervisor technology. Our storage OS - the foundation of any storage system -was designed and built by former metro-cluster development team members at Netapp. We have replaced the inflexibility of legacy storage with a flexible, containerized storage engine which enables the highest storage-agility. This architecture delivers real virtualization of storage and seamless integration into your entire IT-Infrastructure including your virtualization ecosystem.
What we Do
Our solution is based on HSPA (Hybrid Storage Pool Architecture) which integrates DRAM, Flash and HDD into single storage pool. Through the efficiency and intelligence of Direct Cache Tiering, our systems hit the IOPS performance and low latency numbers of many all flash arrays at dramatically lower cost. We deliver storage appliances which satisfy the highest performance requirements as well as the toughest budgetary restrictions. With every storage system, AGILESTORAGE delivers future readiness to your IT-Infrastructure, no matter which storage challenges are ahead of you.